jueves, 31 de mayo de 2007


Hi, everyone...such a long time!

As you might know, I´m still in high school...so I enjoy studying some things that I´m interested in. One of them is the subject called "Psychology".

I´m now studying the "Gestalt school", which sets up the laws that rules the perception. And it depends on our background.

This picture is about this...my partner and I draw it. It can be many things, but I want you to tell me what you think it may be.

8 comentarios:

Matute dijo...

Hi Rosaura.

I see many things:
- one cat in front of another cat.
- A butterfly.

Interesting topic!

Keep posting more picture they are great!

manuel guillen dijo...

hello rosaura my name manuel guillen im from venezuela

vanessa dijo...

hi rosaura.
my name is vanessa farina. im 20 years old. i like very mucho you blog is very funny.

Daniela Hernandez dijo...

Hiii! i´m dani, i´m from Venezuela! I JUST WANT TO SAY THAT YOUR BLOG IS INTERESTING

yai dijo...

Hi Rosaura, my name is yaile. I like your blog. I like to Teory Of Gestalt, because is very interesting,I study orientacion and i study the Gestalt.

XENA dijo...

Hi, Rosaura!
I see several things in the picture:
-a queer butterfly
-two cats or mice who are kissing each other, with rays of sun shining between them
-a woman`s body

Teja dijo...

Hi Rosaura. I'm teja Černe from Nova Gorica, Slovenia. I thing your blog is very interesting . And in the picture I see a butterfly.

many dijo...

Hi Rosaura. How are you? I´m Emanuel from Slovenia. I want to tell you that your drawing is very interesting! It introduces me two person witch have different past. But I see the ray of sun between them:)I wish you a lot of inspiration by drawing.